Born in Geneva, self- training , musician ephemeral success , your name will jump to literary fame when in 1750 the Academy of Dijon reward his provocative speech on the arts and sciences. Initially Encyclopedia collaborator and friend of the chief promoters , would begin distancing them through the development of a trilogy that ranks among the most influential of all Enlightenment French: La Nouvelle Heloise ( 1760 ) , the contract social ( 1762 ) and Emilio ( 1762 ) . After his death was published his extensive autobiographical writings : Confessions, Dialogues , and Reveries of the Solitary Walker . The French Revolution will make it one of their icons intellectuals and recognition culminate with the transfer of his remains to the Pantheon in 1794. Since then , their influence has been constant , although very different sign . Emilio is the book that Rousseau designed as the core of his thought , under the unusual literary form of a novel teaching . In Book IV of this work the author inserted the text of the Profession of Faith of the Savoyard Vicar , a statement that seems to have its own history and which reflects Rousseau's basic convictions about religion and the foundations of morality . This is one of the most rigorously designed of the work of the author , and was the immediate cause of the sentences of the book, first in Paris and Geneva , and then in much of Europe , becoming a fugitive Rousseau in the justice wandering in various places .