Born, United States, in Washington attended George Washington University and a doctorate in Princeton (1960). In 1963 he began working as an associate and lecturer in philosophy at MIT before moving to LaCity Graduate Center of New York University (1975), where he focused much of his academic life researcher. His first book, The Underlying Reality of Language and Its Philosophical Import (1971) and Semantic Theory (1972) had a significant impact on the academic fields of philosophy, linguistics and cognitive science. Although he began working near Noam Chomsky at MIT about mental grammars, he left the psychological level of analysis to guide his theoretical discourse semantics to philosophical and metaphysical field, as revealed in Language and Other Abstract Objects (1981 ). Autior of: The Underlying Reality of Language and Its Philosophical Import (1971) Semantic Theory (1972) Semantic Theory (1972) Propositional Structure and illocutionary Force (1977) Abstract Language and Other Objects (1980), The Philosophy of Linguistics (1985), Cogitations (1988), The Metaphysics of Meaning (1990), Realistic Rationalism (1998), Sense, Reference, and Philosophy (2004). Among the books translated into the Spanish language: Philosophy of Language, with J. Fodor (eds.), Martinez Rock, Barcelona, 1974; The underlying reality of language and its philosophical value, Alianza, Madrid, 1975; The structure of a semantic theory (with JA Fodor), Siglo XXI, Mexico, 1976; Noam Chomsky: the importance of language for philosophy, Alianza, Madrid, 1981