

Jis (José Ignacio Solórzano Pérez) studied part of the Bachelor of Philosophy at the UdeG and the Bachelor of Communication at ITESO and, according to his words, Conceptual Art at the University of La Vida. He was founder of magazines such as Cáspita, along with Guillermo del Toro, or Galimatías, along with Falcón and Trino Camacho, in which tapatías personalities such as Francisco Navarrete and Julio Haro collaborated.

Founder of journalistic supplements such as "La Mama del Abulón" in the newspaper Siglo 21 or "La croqueta" in La Jornada. Along with his inseparable friend Trino, he has been the host of radio programs such as La Atlántida and La Chora Interminable, currently on air, as well as co-author of the Mexican cartoon El Santos contra la Tetona Mendoza, recently adapted to the big screen in the homonymous film .

He has published the following titles: Paso sin ver (2007), Diario I. Va de nuez (2008), Moneros Affairs (2009), Verbs to Begin (2012), Know the Ball (2012), Moneros Affairs 2. Candy Handbook (2012) and La Chora Interminable (2013).