John Henry Newman, C.O. (London, February 21, 1801 - Birmingham, August 11, 1890) was an Anglican priest who converted to Catholicism in 1845, was later elevated to the dignity of cardinal by Pope Leo XIII beatified in 2010 in a ceremony presided Pope Benedict XVI in the United Kingdom. In his youth he was a leading figure of the Oxford Movement, which aimed for the Church of England back to its Catholic roots. His historical studies led him to convert to the faith of the Catholic Church. During both periods, as well as a Catholic Anglican, Newman wrote important books, including Via Media, Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine, Apologia Pro Vita Sua, and Grammar of Assent. His remains are now buried in the little cemetery of Rednal, near Birmingham Oratory of the cottage, but is expected to be buried again in the Birmingham Oratory.