He was born on December 19, 1951. He read the Communist Manifesto of Karl Marx and Frederic Engels at 16 years of age; and on the eve of the international revolutionary movement of 1968, Manuscripts, 1844 at 17 years of age; while in the course of the first truly global crisis of capitalism (1971 and 1973) he reads the first volume of Capital. In June of that year he entered the Faculty of Economics, UNAM, graduating in 1979 with a degree in Economics. Since 1983 he joined the faculty of this Faculty. Doctor in Latin American Studies in 1998, graduated from the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of the same university. He was professor of the Seminary of The Capital of that Faculty of Economics between 1976 and 1984, and coordinator of the above seminar from 1981 to 1984. He was professor of political science at the UAM Iztapalapa, between 1984 and 1986, and from 1986 to date the race of social psychology at the university.Jorge Veraza Urtuzuástegui tries a rigorous interpretation of Marx's work, with the counterexample interpretation of Louis Althusser, and as examples of Adolfo Sanchez Vazquez, Jorge Juanes, Bolivar Echeverria, Georg Lukács, Karl Korsch and the Jindrich Zeleny Ernest Bloch and Roman Rosdolsky, formulated the concept of real subsumption under capital consumption in 1977 to criticize George Bata