Crítica del capitalismo y de la URSS hoy desde El Capital de Karl Marx

A 150 años de la publicación del tomo I de El Capital. Crítica de la economía política

Crítica del capitalismo y de la URSS hoy desde El Capital de Karl Marx - Jorge Veraza - Itaca
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Weight: 300 g

This volume is a tribute to the 150 years since the publication of the first volume of Capital (1867-2017), the most important book for contemporary enslaved humanity, the more than 7.7 billion human beings who populate this planet today. In this book Karl Marx accomplishes the great, epoch-making theoretical feat of pointing out the poor of the Earth and the entire world, in order to precisely establish the conditions of possibility so that modern slaves can free themselves from their chains. , who and how dominates them.

In these pages Jorge Veraza identifies and values ​​this great theoretical feat of Marx, develops the concepts that he builds in his work and demonstrates the validity of the proposal of scientific socialism consisting of the need for communist revolution as the only way to break the chains that bourgeois society imposes on humanity and to build a society in more

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Book: Crítica del capitalismo y de la URSS hoy desde El Capital de Karl Marx

ISBN: 9786078651566