Architect and Master in Communication from the Universidad Iberoamericana Mexico City with more than twenty-five years of professional experience in the fields of design and construction. Director of the Department of Architecture of the Ibero-American University of Mexico with teaching and research in the areas of sustainable building and accessibility for people with disabilities. Founding Associate and Vice President for Sustainability Education for Mexico A.C. SUME (2011 to 2015) and President-elect of SUME for the period 2015-2017. Experience as a lecturer in more than 50 conferences, colloquia and symposia with the themes of accessibility and sustainability. Experience in the creation of programs, laws, norms and manuals on sustainability: advisor in the commission for the construction of the "Mexican Sustainable Building Standard" published in the Official Gazette on September 4, 2013, in the "Complementary Technical Norm of Architectural Design of the Construction Regulations of the DF "published in the Official Gazette on February 8, 2011, in" Criteria for the accessibility of people with disabilities "of the Mexican Institute of Social Security 2009, among others. Honorary Associate of Free Access A.C. LACC in 1999 and board member of its board of directors since 2005. Operational manager of the collaboration agreement Espacios Dignos entre Libre Acceso A.C. and the Universidad Iberoamericana Mexico City since 1999. Evaluations and accessibility proposals in more than 500 properties, including 13 airports and 6 museums. Author of "Accessibility. People with disabilities and architectural design "UIA 2011 and" Accessibility. People with disabilities and architectural design "Second extended edition UIA 2015. Compiler and co-author" La Ibero and people with disabilities "UIA 2013. Compiler and co-author" La Ibero y la sustentabilidad "UIA 2013.