Bolivian Thinker won the 2015 Libertador Prize for Critical Thinking Bolivian Philosopher, studied Sociology at the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (La Paz, Bolivia). Later he worked with Hugo Zemelman at the Colegio de México between 1988 and 1991. He then studied Philosophy from the bachelor's degree and subsequently the master's degree at the Faculty of Philosophy of the UNAM of Mexico. Doctor by the same faculty in the Department of Latin American Studies, he is a disciple of Enrique Dussel and Franz Hinkelammert. His latest books include "Towards an ethical critique of modern rationality" (2013), "Towards the decolonization of Latin American Social Science" (2012), "Towards a dialectic of life development" (2012) and "Critique of the Bolivian reason "(third edition; 2010). In 2015, he was awarded the Libertador Prize for Critical Thinking for his work "What does it mean to think from Latin America?".