Juan Manuel Álvarez Méndez. He is a professor of didactics at the Faculty of Education of the Complutense University of Madrid, in which he has been working since 1974. In his teaching work and his publications focused on issues related to the didactics applied to the teaching of the language and with the General didactics and the curriculum, dedicating special attention to the training of teachers and the study of educational and evaluation reforms. Some of his published books are: fundamental linguistics: introduction to the authors (1985); Didactics of the language from the linguistic point of view (1987); Linguistic theory and language teaching; Interdisciplinary Orientation Texts (1987); Didactics, curriculum and evaluation (2000. 2nd ed.), Understand didactics, understand the curriculum (in press). He is also the author of numerous articles in education magazines. His participations in teacher training and postgraduate training courses on applied didactics, curriculum and evaluation are very frequent.