Julia Sanmartín Sáez is Full Professor of Spanish Language at the Department of Spanish Philology at the University of Valencia since 2001. She has four six-year research periods and four five-year teaching periods. She has been director of the Master's Degree in Advanced Hispanic Studies (2010-2012), secretary of IULMA (2015-2018) and coordinator of International Programs managed by the Vice President for International Relations (2003-2019).
She received her doctorate in Hispanic Philology at the University of Valencia, with an extraordinary doctorate award, with a thesis on the slang of delinquency (awarded the Fernández Abril award from the RAE). She has maintained this first line of research to date, focused on the characterization of group slang based on its detection in primary sources (oral, media and digital) and from different perspectives (thus, the use of slang as a stylistic resource). . She has combined this lexicological perspective with the lexicographic one by publishing a Dictionary of Argot (Espasa, 1998-2006) and with the metalexicographic perspective by dealing with the description of slang dictionaries and markup in lexicography.