Don Fermín Tapia García, indigenous Amuzgo, was a Bilingual technical researcher at CIESAS and has dedicated part of his life to learning how the Amuzga language is written, teaching and convincing his people of the importance of their knowledge and language.
Don Fermín, as he is known in San Pedro Amuzgos, began his work with the help of CIESAS researchers, which involved him leaving his family for several years to live in the Federal District, receive advice and study his primary school in the system. open with the aim of learning to write in your own language.
One of his first jobs upon returning to town was to write and edit a newspaper for his town called Tzon tzikindyl n'an kond'a tz'ian inde ', an information newspaper, which was published for five consecutive years, from July 1980 to June. 1985; In this last year the book on healing plants and their knowledge among the Amuzgos comes to light.
Another of his works is the Amuzgo-Spanish Dictionary, and a compilation of stories and legends in the Amuzgo language, a variant of Oaxaca. For this, Don Fermín had to acquire linguistic knowledge that allowed him to express the different tonal variations of the language.
His work constitutes an effort to recognize the Amuzga language and culture, in particular, and above all contributes to the cultural strengthening of our indigenous heritage.
* Article by Maria Elena Tapia Vásquez, Amuzga lawyer, manager of the CODIGODH office in San Pedro Amuzgos