Laura Duschatzky has a Master's degree in Education from the National University of Entre Ríos and a Bachelor's degree and Professor in Educational Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. She specializes in face-to-face and virtual pedagogical support for teachers and managers both in her country and in abroad. She has coordinated the workshop of her authorship "The encounter with one's own voice in the text" in the doctorate in Education at the University of Barcelona, Malaga and Valencia; in the Master's Degree in Pedagogy of the Subject and Educational Practice in Puebla, Mexico and in the Congress of Philosophy of Education, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He is a member of the pedagogical team of the Diploma "Pedagogies of Differences" at the Latin American Faculty of Sciences Social, FLACSO, Argentina. She recorded in writing the experience of teaching Spanish to immigrants in Barcelona, within the framework of an inter-institutional agreement Education Without Borders, Barcelona- FLACSO She coordinates the virtual course of her authorship: “Let teach. To let learn” at the School of Teachers of the city of Buenos Aires. She is the author of the book An appointment with the teachers, of the epilogue “In search of the lost murmur” of the book Experience and Alterity, compiled by Carlos Skliar and Jorge Larrosa and, among other articles, he has written Nobody stays the same, published in the magazine of Education without Borders, Barcelona.