Es muy raro todo esto

Es muy raro todo esto - Pablo Martínez Zarracina - Pepitas de calabaza
Publisher name: 
Pepitas de calabaza
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 241 g
Rustic with flaps

This volume brings together a selection of the best columns of Pablo Martínez Zarracina, and with them the reactions of a lucid and perplexed passerby before a world that appears more rare at every step. True and understanding in equal parts, Zarracina crumbles reality in these texts -and its different manifestations- with an enviable look and humor, and proposes a difficult trip to forget with a guy who never ceases to be amazed by a universe that he has seen up close it does not seem very serious, but it's very fun: the gintónics, the tertulianos, the politicians, Bilbao, the world, the lampposts, the drills, the style, Dan Brown, Yoko Ono, Javier Clemente, the Burning ... After reading of these columns, originally published in El Correo, no one will doubt that we are before one of the most brilliant writers of the moment.


Book: Es muy raro todo esto

ISBN: 9788415862451
Precio de lista: $490.00
Descuento: 25%