Luc Delannoy, born in Brussels, Belgium is a Belgian philosopher and writer influenced in part by Pyrrhonism and Madhyamaka tradition, Roy Wood Sellars, Edmond Wright. It is also noticeable the influence of hermeneutics of Hans-Georg Gadamer, Paul Ricoeur and neurophenomenology. For 20 years investigating the mind and human consciousness. He has a long career as a visiting professor at several universities in the Americas; after being invited at the National Autonomous University of Mexico professor, founded in Mexico's Center for Research in neuroaesthetics and Neuromusicología - cinne and Neuroartes Institute.
He has developed the academic proposal called Neuroartes. Neuroartes is a reflection transdisciplinary project; He proposes a dialogue between philosophy, psychology, art and science in order to develop educational and preventive mental health programs. Neuroartes Institute consists of an international network of artists, philosophers, scientists and mental health professionals. Known for his studies on jazz, Delannoy is one of the few philosophers investigating subject of musical consciousness. Since 2003 Delannoy studies the issue of autonomy in patients suffering from neurological and mental disorders, mainly Alzheimer.Dirige Biosubjetividad the International Seminar and the International Seminar Perception taught in Mexico and Chile. He received the Deems Taylor For Excellence in Musical Subject Authorship on prize. He is a member of the Academy of Sciences of New York, of the Society for Mind Brain Sciences and the Society for Comparative Studies of Chinese and Western Philosophy.
Since 2008 Delannoy applies Neuroartes proposals to the worlds of contemporary dance, mainly in Mexico and Chile where he worked with Delphi Contemporary Dance [1], Lux Boreal [2], Antares [3] and the University of Chile.