El complot en el poder

El complot en el poder - Donatella Di Cesare - Sexto piso
Publisher name: 
Sexto Piso
Year of publication: 

A provocative reflection on the rise of conspiracy theories as a symptom of a depoliticized society

Who is pulling the strings? Who is hiding behind what we see? Who ultimately benefits? Faced with the overwhelming complexity of our globalized present, more and more people are asking these kinds of questions. The world is increasingly indecipherable, so it must necessarily have a hidden side, a kind of secret realm within the State and the New World Order in which plans are forged, information is manipulated and thoughts are controlled. It is no longer a mere intrigue.

Donatella Di Cesare diagnoses conspiracy theory as one of the symptoms of a largely depoliticized democratic society. Conspiracy theory is the way in which citizens, powerless before a faceless techno-economic power, relate to the world. This is why conspiracy theories, a manifestation of the great emptine...read more


Book: El complot en el poder

ISBN: 9788419261359
Precio de lista: $330.00
Descuento: 15%