Luigi Onnis is neuropsychiatric and systemic psychotherapist. He is Professor of Psychiatry, Clinical Psychology and Systemic Psychotherapy at the University "La Sapienza" of Rome.
He is founder and Training Director IEFCo.S. (Istituto Europeo di Formazione and systemic Consulenza) of Rome and President of IEFCo.STRE. (Istituto Europeo di Formazione and Systemic Therapy Consulenza Relazionale) in Cagliari.
Founder and Honorary President of the EFTA (European Family Therapy Association).
Coordinator and promoter of numerous investigations mostly psychosomatic, eating disorders, epistemology and treatment systems, systematic training for mental health and medical professionals in public services.
He received the 2007 Award for Outstanding EFTA scientific contribution in the field of systemic psychotherapy.
That supervisor of private institutes and public service is required in different European countries.
Author of over 400 articles published in the leading journal of psychotherapy (including main field of daily family therapy as Family Process and Family Systems and Health).
Author and / or editor of 16 books published in Italian, French, Spanish and English.
During the past 20 years, participated as official orator of the most important conferences of family therapy, workshops and seminars given in many European countries, USA, Canada and Mexico.
Main areas of interest: psychosomatic, eating disorders, systemic epistemology, Training in Family Therapy.