Enabled Professor in the area of Philosophy (2006) and currently Professor at the Department of Philosophy at the University of Zaragoza. BA (1992) and Doctor of Philosophy with Honors from the Complutense University of Madrid (1997) and a Diploma of Advanced Studies in Art History (2005) from the same university, his current research focuses on the intersection and dialogue to be drawn between philosophy and other disciplines such as languages or aesthetics, image theory, photography and contemporary architecture.
He is the author and translator of over twenty works centered around issues of modern and contemporary philosophy, including identity and subjectivity monograph. Materials for a history of modern philosophy (2002) and the edition of Descartes' Discourse on Method (1999). He is also co-editor of several collective monographs and Drawings [inter] section: Materials for a dialogue between philosophy and architecture (2011), The philosophical legacy of the twentieth century (2005), The Return of pragmatism (Trotta, 2001) and The Challenge relativism (Trotta, 1997).
He is founder and member of the research team [Inter] section of Philosophy and Architecture, which is part from his birth in 2007 was also co-founder and editor of the journal Philosophy and editorial director Anabasis collection philosophy Minimum Transit (Antonio Machado Books).