Luis Humberto Crosthwaite (Tijuana, Baja California, February 28, 1962) is a Mexican writer.
He has been a fellow of the National Fund for Culture and the Arts (1990), Chihuahua testimony Award (1992), National Short Story Prize Tenth Anniversary writers Toluqueño Center (1994). Member of the National System of Creators in Mexico (2001-2004, 2011-2013).
In 2000 he made the comic adaptation of the detective novel by Rafael Bernal, Mongolian plot, which was published only a fragment (Ediciones Vid). It has also made adaptations of classic plays for theater groups in his hometown.
He led the independent publishing project Yoremito, whose function was to promote authors of northern Mexico.
Between 2002 and 2010 he served as US newspaper columnist San Diego Union-Triubune. He is currently a visiting professor in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of Iowa.
It has been anthologized in twenty books, including "Anthology of Mexican narrative of the twentieth century," Christopher Dominguez; "The hours and the hordes (anthology of Latin American tale of the XXI century)", by Julio Ortega; "Mexican minifiction", "postmodern Mexican Stories", "Tales dizzying" Lauro Zavala; and "Anthology of twentieth century Mexican novel" Joseph Augustine.