Luisa Valenzuela

Luisa Valenzuela

Argentine journalist and narrator. Between 1979 and 1989 she lived in New York, where she was a writer-in-residence at Columbia Cu University and New York Nyu. He has worked as a teacher, teaching courses and workshops at Universities of the United States of America and Mexico. His academic activity is completed with memberships in outstanding institutions, among others: the New York Institute for the Humanities nyih, the Alfonso Reyes Chair of technology of Monterrey itesm and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences aaas.

It has received distinctions of various kinds, including the Kraft National Prize, in 1965; the Argentine Society of Writers' Honor Grand Prix sade; Honorary Doctorate from the University of Knox (Illinois) and San Martín unsam National University (Buenos Aires); the Machado medal of Assis of the Brazilian Academy of Letters abl; the Astralba Prize from the University of Puerto Rico upr and the Esteban Echeverría award from the People of Art and Letters Group. In 2019, he won the Carlos Fuentes International Prize for Literary Creation.