Maciej Bielawski (Bydgoszcz, Poland, 1963) is a theologian, writer, painter and university professor. Established in Italy since 1990, he currently resides in Verona. He has a doctorate in theology from the Pontifical University of San Tomás (Rome). He has been professor of dogmatic theology in the Athenian of San Anselmo (Rome). Currently teaches at the University of Verona. He has written books about characters such as Dumitru Stăniloae (The philocalical vision of the world in the theology of Dumitru Stăniloae, 1997), Nicéforo el Solitario (Il cielo nel cuore, 2002), Raimon Panikkar (Panikkar, Un uomo e il suo pensiero, 2013). ), Vittorino Andreoli (Tragedia folle, 2013) and Pedro Damasceno (Sguardo contemplativo, 2014); monographs dedicated to the mystical and the Byzantine culture: Il monachosimo bizantino (2003), Blask ikon (2005), Oblicza ikony (2006), La luce divina nel cuore. Introduzione alla Filocalia (2007); and essays in theology and spirituality: Polis monachorum (2001), Odejścia (2007), Mikroteologie (2008), Wiara bezdomna (2013), In principle. Racconti sull'origine del mondo (2014). He is the author of the Panikkar Sūtra blog and the web www.maciejbielawski.com