An academic proposes to write a biography about «the most universal Spanish artist since Picasso»: Fred Cabeza de Vaca. To do this, he immerses himself in an investigation that aims to reconstruct the life of the deceased artist, in an attempt to decipher the puzzle behind the artist and the person, both equally controversial and elusive. Through interviews both with colleagues and with some of the artist's many ex-partners (of which he keeps a numerical record, as if they were objects to collect and discard compulsively) and from the writings and diaries of Cabeza de Vaca himself, a figure emerges At times fascinating, at times repulsive, full of chiaroscuro, which works perfectly as an archetype of the spell and abuses of the world of contemporary art. As readers, we will seek to understand if Cabeza de Vaca was a genius or a faker, a visionary or an opportunist, a tormented soul or...read more