Manel Alías Tort (Berga, 1977) has a degree in Audiovisual Communication from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He started working at TV3 in 2001 and in 2015 he became the first correspondent in the history of the television channel, and of Catalunya Ràdio, to go to Russia. His work in the Slavic country culminated at the end of 2022. His career has earned him numerous awards, including the National Communication and Journalism Award granted by the Generalitat, the Journalist of the Year award from the Union of Journalists of Catalonia, the Muriel Casals Communication Award and the Blanquerna Award. His report ‘Entre la terra i el cel: guerra’ has been selected for the Input Festival held in Taipei. His latest chronicles from the front during the Kremlin's attack on Ukraine have received unanimous praise.