Poet and essayist. He studied Law at La Salle University (1997-2002); He has also received literature courses at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Guanajuato. He was selected for the anthology Eight voices of Guanajuato, published by the Universidad Iberoamericana, León campus (2000). Scholar of the State Institute of Culture of Guanajuato, in the area of literature, young creators (2001). The publishing house Azafrán y Cinabrio published his book of essays: El mito de Proteo (2008). He obtained an Honorable Mention in the free Poetry contest León, Guanajuato (2009). He attended the poetry workshop Aprendiz de Brujo with the poet Sergio Mondragón in 2010. In 2011, the San Roque publishing house, in conjunction with Los Otros libros, published his book of poetry El concierto Reconciliatorio. In 2011 The publishing house La Rana de Guanajuato, published his poems: Variations of the voice reaching the tone. In 2013 the Universidad Iberoamericana, León, published one of his stories in the Poquito anthology because it is blessed.