Martín A. De Mauro Rucovsky (Córdoba, Argentina, 1984). As a child, at his parents' house, he discovered that he loved to read what fell into his hands, first comics and cartoons, then bird magazines and then fanzines, pamphlets and political manifests. His home library was huge, inherited from a lay, Jewish and communist family. In those years he was a member of student and human rights organizations and read as much discussion as seemed interesting to him. In the heat of the 2001 crisis, he became enthusiastic about the autonomist spirit of the neighborhood and territorial assemblies. After finishing the public school, Philosophy began at the National University of Córdoba, which ended once the enthusiasm and appeased creativity had passed. He learned about queer theory in academic colloquia. Eduardo Mattio invited him to collaborate with Mauro Cabral in Incorporations, a research and activism group that later became part of the National Front for the Gender Identity Law, among many other disputes. He is currently working, with a grant from Conicet, on his doctoral thesis on biopolitical thought and Judith Butler using contemporary aesthetic materials. He is part of the editorial committee of the magazine Caja Muda.