Medard Kehl, Berlin, 1942, is a Jesuit, Catholic theologian and one of the most prestigious experts dogmatic today Mehdard Kehl studied philosophy and theology in Munich and Frankfurt. In 1969 he was ordained a priest. In 1975 he defended his doctoral thesis on the Church as an institution at the University of Tübingen under the supervision of Walter Kasper. Since 1976 teaches dogmatic and fundamental theology at the Higher School of Philosophy and Theology in St. Georgen in Frankfurt. He is the author of numerous books, articles and chapters in collective works on Ecclesiology, Eschatology and Theology of Creation. Kehl understood as meaning the Church of Vatican II, as "Communio". Also known for his theological analysis of the current situation of the Church. Among his major works, many of them translated into Castilian, are: Kirche als Institution, Frankfurt (1976), Eschatologie (1986 [trans. Cast.: Eschatology, 1992]), Die Kirche. Ekklesiologie katholische Eine (1992), Hinführung zum christlichen Glauben (11984, 21995 [trans. Cast.: Introduction to Christian Faith, 2002]), New Age oder Neuer Bund? (1989 [trans. Cast.: New era towards Christianity, Herder, 1990], Wohin geht die Kirche? (1996 [trans. Cast.: Where does the Church: a diagnosis of our time, 1997]), Dein Reich komme. Eschatologie Rechenschaft als über unsere Hoffnung (2003), WAS Und Ende kommt nach dem? (11999, 22005 [trans. cast.: And after all, what?: doomsday, the consummation, reincarnation and the resurrection, 2003]), Und Gott sah, is gut dass war. Eine der Theologie Schöpfung, (2006 [trans. cast.: God watched all his work and was fine, Herder, 2009]).