1458, Muromachi period. The castle of Takita, besieged for ten days, is about to fall. To avoid this, Satomi Yoshizane, lord of the clan, promises the hand of her daughter to the one who brings her the head of her enemy. That same night, his dog appears with the head of the villain Anzai Kagetsura between the jaws. This is how the most famous cape and sword novel in Japan begins, and the most extensive in the world, in which a princess will give birth to eight warriors born each with a virtue: filial piety, honor, loyalty, trust , fraternity, courtesy, wisdom and benevolence, the eight virtues that illustrate the principles of Confucianism. 1813, period Edo. The master of literature Takizawa Bakin asks his friend, the famous painter Hokusai, to illustrate the new book he is writing. He still does not know, but the novel is destined to become one of the masterpieces of Japanese literat...read more