Michael W. Apple "John Bascom Professor" of Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. USA Director of the Collection "Critical Social Thought" in the edit. Routledge. Author of numerous publications, including: Educational Evaluation: Analysis and Responsibility (1974); Schooling and the Rights of Children (1975); Ideology and curriculum (1979, 2nd edition in 1990 incre..); Cultural and Economic Reproduction in Education: essays on class, ideology; and the state (1982); Ideology and Practice in Schooling (1983, with L. Weis et al.) Education and Power (1987); The Curriculum. Problems, Politics, and Possibilities (1988, LE Beyer et al.) Teachers and texts. A political economy of class relations and gender in education (1989); The Politics of the Textbook (1991, in collab with L. Christian-Smith.) "Is naturalism a move away from positivism The materialist feminist approaches to subjectivity in ethnographic research" (1991); Official Knowledge. Democratic Education in a Conservative Age (1993).