Michelangelo Buonarroti (Florence, 1475 Rome 1564), one of the giants of the arts of all time, whose genius was unveiled in his hometown thanks to the auspices of Lorenzo de 'Medici and flourished in Rome under the papal patronage was also an extraordinary poet. Its production line was long considered minor compared to his sculptures and paintings, following publication by a nephew with blunderbuss amendments, in 1623. It was in 1863, when the Rime published by the scholar Cesare Guasti full edition, according to the manuscripts of the artist, when the chronology of the poems (sonnets, madrigals, songs and fragments) was established and could appreciate the uniqueness and the development of the work. From this major publishing milestone buonarrotiana studies of poetry, whose originality and importance in the aesthetic context of his time has been highlighted by great poets, writers and literary critics of contemporary Western world were opened. Musicalizadas by Hugo Wolf, Benjamin Britten and Dmitri Shostakovich, Michelangelo's Rimas have been translated into English, German, French, Portuguese and Castilian. Among the most illustrious and happy translators of some of these poems are William Wordsworth, Rainer Maria Rilke and George Santayana.