Naomi Fontaine (Uashat, Canada, 1987) is a Canadian writer belonging to the Algoquin Innu nation. She was born in the Uashat reserve, she moved with her mother to Quebec City when she was seven years old, where she finished her training, she studied literary creation at the university and currently lives with her son. she. She has published two novels: Kuessipan, which had a great impact, with a mention for the Prize of the Five Continents of the Francophonie, and Manikanetish, inspired by her teenage students from the Uashat reserve. She is co-director of the First Nations literary anthology Tracer un chemin: Meshkanatsheu. She was one of the "women of the year" of the Quebecois edition of Elle magazine and "revelation of the year" of the specialized magazine Les Libraires.