Norka Malberg

Norka Malberg

Norka Malberg is a Doctor of Psychotherapy and Child and Adolescent and Adult Psychoanalyst. Member of the International Psychoanalytic Association, Freudian Contemporary Society (New York), Western New England Psychoanalytic Society (New Haven) and member of the Spanish Society of Psychoanalysis (Barcelona). She is clinical director of imagina: Center for Applications of Mentalization, Barcelona. Assistant Clinical Professor, Yale Child Study Center, School of Medicine, Yale University. Trainer and supervisor of MBT-A, MBT-C and MBT-F, accredited by the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families (London). Professor at the University Institute of Mental Health Vidal i Barraquer (Universitat Ramon Llull). She is an international editor of the Journal of Child, Adolescent and Infant Psychotherapy, and the Lines of Development book series. Co-author of the book MBT-C: Mentalization-based treatment for children-limited time and the book A Mentalization-Based Approach to Psychotherapy With Parents.