Psychoanalyst and philologist. Doctor of Letters from Purdue University in the United States of America; Master in Psychoanalysis from the Institute of Higher University Studies of the University of León, Spain and from the Center for Research and Psychoanalytic Studies of the Mexican Foundation of Psychoanalysis; Graduate in Psychology from the Central American University of Social Sciences of Costa Rica. And Master in English Literature from the University of Costa Rica. Author of the books Borges ◊ Freud ◊ Lacan: The trifurcated paths of desire (Ediciones Eón de México, 2009), The Lacanian invention of the object (a): Cause of desire/Plus of enjoyment (Editorial Universidad de Costa Rica, 2013), The couch of indications: Towards a poetics of research in psychoanalysis (Editorial Arlekín de Costa Rica, 2018) and What Psychoanalysis says about Homosexuality: Homoeroticism, sexuation and queer theories (Ediciones Navarra de México, 2020), as well as of various articles on psychoanalysis, literature and cultural studies. He has worked as a teacher and researcher in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Mexico and the United States. Marín Calderón is interested in the relationships between literature and psychoanalysis, especially in the fields of subjectivity and clinical structures. He is a full professor at the School of Modern Languages of the University of Costa Rica. He maintains his clinical practice as a psychoanalyst in San José, Costa Rica.