Un viaje hacia el corazón

El proceso terapéutico del ego al Sí mismo

Un viaje hacia el corazón - Ascensión Belart - Herder
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Weight: 280 g

This book is an inner journey into the depths of oneself. Is an invitation to go through all the layers that prevent the person to be authentic and reach the center of your heart. It combines the trajectory of the therapeutic process of self-knowledge of the personality that each has made to survive, his own spiritual journey, building bridges between the conditional aspects of the ego and the core of the person._x000D_

The main innovation of this work is to investigate in depth the ego (personality) to bring it, layer by layer, to be essential (soul) of the person, in this way brings us closer to the new psychology of being (transpersonal), perspective from which we are all One_x000D_

The author provides answers to the growing need for self-knowledge and spiritual fulfillment, unifying psychological and spiritual path and showing a path of self-realization._x000D_

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Book: Un viaje hacia el corazón

ISBN: 8425425288
Precio de lista: $800.00
Descuento: 50%