Olivia Vieweg was born in Jena (Thuringia), in 1987. She studied Visual Communication at Bauhaus University in Weimar, where she finished her studies with a post-apocalyptic zombie comic project called Endzeit. The Carlsen publishing house has published its success Warum Katzen besser sind als Männer, a cat work that will also be released in the US market. Vieweg is an important contributor to the Schwarzer Turn publishing house where she has published Subway to Sally Storybooks. In 2012 he received a scholarship from the publisher Ehapa comic, where he published the novel Antoinette kehrt zurück. In 2013 she finished the album that has consecrated her as one of the most important young artists of her country, Huck Finn, published by Suhrkamp. His style originates from the manga tradition, although his style evolves progressively towards the western style or masterfully combines both.