Patricia Galeana [from Valadés]. Born June 9, 1946 in Mexico City, she is a Mexican historian, researcher, editor and academic. She has a degree and a Master's in History and a Doctorate in Latin American Studies from the National University of Mexico unam. She is a professor at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters ffyl (unam). She is part of the Pride Level d Full-time Academic Staff Performance Bonus Program (unam). She belonged to the National System of Researchers sni level ii.
She taught courses at the Universidad Iberoamericana uia, the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México itam, the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid uam and the Universidad Externado de Colombia uec, among others.
She has collaborated with various magazines and newspapers such as La Jornada, Excelsior, El Nacional, Uno más Uno, Proceso, Archipiélago, Cultural Magazine of our America, Este País and Relatos e Historias.
She was vice president of the International Federation of University Women (ifuw, now Graduate Women International gwi). She curator, founder and director of the Women's Museum and member of the Board of Directors of the International Association of Women's Museums iawm based in Merano, Italy.
In 2017, she received the Grand Order of Victory of the Republic.