Pedro López Díaz (Acaponeta, Nayarit, December 6, 1928-Mexico, D.F. November 1, 2005).1 He was a Mexican surgeon, journalist, political activist and academic. In Acaponeta he did part of his primary studies there, which he completed in Tecuala and Guadalajara, Jalisco. During his childhood he was a jeweler, he worked with silver filigree. In his adolescence, he was a deep sea fisherman in Guaymas and a railroad worker for ten years in Empalme, Sonora. Already as a medical student he filled nursing vacancies at the Railway Hospital. He began the practice of journalism when he was in the fourth year of his medical degree. He studied medicine until graduating from UNAM in 1955.
He worked in surgery in Tepic for ten years with doctors Antonio González Guevara, of whom he wrote his biography in a book (ISBN 9684003005) titled Cirujano y Hombre and Luis Espinoza Reyes. And he did journalism in numerous Nayarit publications for almost fifty years, and in political activity he was a substitute federal deputy for his entity of origin in the XLVII Legislature.
Pre-candidate for governor of the State of Nayarit. Professor of philosophy at the Institute of Sciences and Letters for ten years and Rector of this predecessor institution of the current Autonomous University of Nayarit.
In 1967 he began his degree in philosophy, immediately continuing with the master's degree, and he concluded his philosophical studies twenty-two years later with the Doctorate. Later he studied law, which he graduated in 1996.
Professor at UNAM for thirty years in the faculties of Philosophy and Medicine, as well as in the National Preparatory School. He worked as a doctor attached to the Medical Services of the Department of the Federal District (Mexico) and was an editorial writer for some Nayarit and national newspapers.
He published sixteen books, among which, in addition to the one already mentioned, are:
Madero, Hombre y Héroe won first national prize with a gold medal.
Human problems, 1961
Fire of Nayarit,
New Perspective, 1964
Debates (compilation of journalistic works), 1963
Ideas and words, 1966
Ideological liberation of Mexico, 1978/Mexico, Costa-Amic, his thesis for his degree in philosophy.
Political philosophy: oppressive or liberating weapon in Latin America/Mexico: Costa-Amic, 1981; his master's thesis in philosophy.
A philosophy for freedom: (the philosophy of Leopoldo Zea)/Mexico: Costa - Amic, 1989; his doctorate thesis in philosophy.
Philosophy and poems, 1993: a cultural contribution as he pointed out, "because yes, for writing..."
Abortion, crime or law; Ed Vertiente, 1995
Human behavior, 1998: constant search for the philosophy of existence as a determinant of behavior.
Emergency hospital, (edition date uncertain).
Action Times, 2004
And at the end of it, Fray Servando Fugitivo y Héroe carried out research on the thoughts and actions of this Mexican hero, to specify the project of an interpretation on this matter and culminate it with a philosophy of history.
His thoughts can be summed up when he said:
“We must accept that authentic political and social struggles are, in most cases, harsh and sacrificial, that not all those who feel called are willing to endure the play of forces. Politics, in the end, is the instrument through which it must be possible to bring happiness to the people, but never a resource for personal or group benefit.”