La fragmentación urbana

La fragmentación urbana - Ricardo Gómez Maturano - Navarra
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Soft cover

This book presents a great diversity of approaches that make use of the concept of urban fragmentation. Its objective is the understanding of this process, its forms of expression, its causes and effects. In particular, it seeks to understand what question the concept of urban fragmentation tries to resolve. In that sense, this name may be the conceptual answer to the questions that urban researchers have asked. For example, those made by the Americans Marcuse and Van Kempem: is there something different in the spatial pattern of current cities that differentiates them from the cities of before? What would be new in cities and, particularly, in the intra-urban structure? Another of the questions that the concept of fragmentation seeks to answer are those asked by Brazilian researchers Suzana Pasternak and Lucia Machado, in the sense that although cities are in a constant process of more


Book: La fragmentación urbana

ISBN: 9786079497552
Precio de lista: $200.00
Descuento: 10%