Retórica especulativa

Retórica especulativa - Pascal Quignard - Cuenco de plata
Publisher name: 
Cuenco de plata
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 181 g

This is a text that from the beginning is assumed as a kind of treatise on Antiphilosophy. And this is not saying little, since it is a matter of taking a step further along the path marked out by the anti-metaphysical tradition so dear to French thought, especially since the second half of the 20th century. Without naming them, Quignard distances himself from thinkers such as Derrida, Foucault and Deleuze; not so much to detract from his positions, but rather to avoid getting bogged down in that philosophical language, which, while expressing rejection of metaphysics, he is forced to speak from his own concepts. For Quignard, speculative rhetoric is "the anti-philosophical literate tradition that runs through all of Western history since the invention of philosophy." Literature is the language prior to metaphysics, it is the language of images. It is not necessary, according to more


Book: Retórica especulativa

ISBN: 9789871228171