Degree in Art History and Journalism, student of Anthropology. He is the author of the visual essay Behavioras venenoadas (2007), the book of illustrated stories with Sonia Pulido Chromorama (2008), the novel Todo lleva carne (2008) and the chronicles La otra Gioconda. The reflection of a myth (2013). He has also curated the collective exhibition "Esculturismo", in 2008. He has worked in several newspapers and magazines for just over twenty years, and has been editor-in-chief of culture at Calle 20, Público, El Confidencial and El Español. In 2014 he won the José Luis Gutiérrez Cultural Journalism Award for the report "Académico insumisos". The jury, composed of veteran journalism professionals, highlighted his "renewing and critical way of understanding cultural journalism, always based on the inquiry and work of sources and obstinate in highlighting the contradictions and paradoxes of our time" and noted that "Peio H. Riaño also represents a new generation of cultural journalists who are renewing the practice of the profession and demonstrate that – in times of multiple crisis: of formats, of content, of paradigm—quality cultural information is still possible."