Pere Lluís Font (Pujalt, Lérida, 1934) graduated in philosophy from the University of Toulouse. He has been professor of the history of modern philosophy and philosophy of religion at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and has co-directed the collection "Philosophical Texts" of Edicions 62.
He has been vice president of the Fundació Joan Maragall. He is an emeritus member of the Section of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Institut d'Estudis Catalans and a permanent member of the Reial Acadèmia de Bones Lletres de Barcelona. He has edited works by Montaigne, Descartes, Pascal, Spinoza and Kant in Catalan.
In 2003 he received the Creu de Sant Jordi and in 2005 he was named honorary doctorate by the University of Lleida. Among his latest publications, Immanuel Kant stands out. Six essays and a dialogue from beyond the grave (Arpa, 2016). In Fragmenta he has published Philosophy of Religion. Six Essays and a Note (2020).