emeritus judge of the Second Chamber of the Supreme Court, and Chief Judges for Democracy. Information and debate. He has been a member of the General Council of the Judiciary. Among his publications are: The Judiciary (1986), written with Claudio Movilla; criminal justice, rights and guarantees (2007); Test and judicial conviction in criminal proceedings (2009). He is the author of forewords and translations of works of L. Ferrajoli, D. Zolo, S. Senese, G. and V. Scarpari Accatatis. Editorial Trotta has carefully editions of C. Beccaria, Of Crimes and Punishment (2011), with a foreword by P. Calamandrei; L. Ferrajoli, wild Powers. The crisis of constitutional democracy (2011) and P. Calamandrei, Inventory house (2012) and Without legality there is no freedom (in preparation).
He worked for more than thirty years in the newspaper El Pais.