"The Anderson family moved to China when his father was transferred to serve on the Custom Imperial Maritime. After the war, the family moved south of Ireland. In 1956, Anderson entered the Worcester College, Oxford, where his interests range from philosophy and psychology to languages like Russian and French. Their arrival in Oxford coincides with the Soviet invasion of Hungary and the Suez crisis and the excitement of the New Left, which became an actor center.
Many years editor of New Left Review, Perry Anderson has been described as "" one of the leading contemporary Marxist thinkers "." Master in both substance and style, Anderson's work extends from the English exceptionalism European absolutism, Latin American policy transitions, changes in Western Marxism, the origins of postmodernism, the exterminism and War cold.
His masterful two-volume work on the European absolutism and the transition to feudalism, published at age 35, was described in the New York Review of Books as "" a formidable intellectual achievement "," distinguished both for its conceptual depth as its style. As a regular contributor to The London Review of Books contributor, Perry Anderson enjoys huge recognition within the European intellectual community.
If there are discontinuities and ruptures within the intellectual career of Anderson, there are also deep continuities, is not less attention to the historical and political change in the long run. Recent works include The Origins of Postmodernism, the questions of Europe and an important overview of the political left titled "Renewals" "published in themes Millennium New Left Review.
In 2004 he published "" The merciless laboratory of history "." Perry Anderson teaches history and sociology at the University of California, Los Angeles. "