Los orígenes de la posmodernidad

Los orígenes de la posmodernidad - Perry Anderson - Akal
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Weight: 323.2 g

What ideas do we have about the roots of the postmodern? Who conceived it first, who or who developed it? How have their meanings changed? What purposes does it obey? Such are the questions addressed in The origins of postmodernity. The answers take us from Lima to Angkor, from Paris and Munich, from China to the stars. At the center of the story, the imposing figure of Fredric Jameson, the supreme theorist of postmodernity. What happens to art, time or politics in the era of the show? What is over, and what started?

Biting and panoramic, The origins of postmodernity traces the genesis, consolidation and results of the "postmodern" idea. An exciting intellectual journey that begins in the Hispanic field of the thirties, continues with the changes in meaning and use of the concept in the 1970s, when Jean-François Lyotard and Jürgen Habermas reacquaint and popularize the idea of ...read more


Book: Los orígenes de la posmodernidad

ISBN: 9788446042822
Precio de lista: $590.00
Descuento: 20%