Raquel Bouso (Tarragona, 1973) is a doctor in humanities from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (2005) with a thesis on the notion of emptiness in the Japanese philosopher Keiji Nishitani. She is currently a professor of philosophy at the aforementioned university and professor of Asian religions in the Master of History of Religions at the University of Barcelona and at the ISCREB. He is a member of the European Network of Buddhist-Christian Studies (ENBCS). He has published several articles on Japanese culture, philosophy and religion and translations such as Keiji Nishitani religion and nothingness (Siruela, 1999), Zen and philosophy of Shizuteru Ueda (Herder, 2004, in collaboration), The Orient of Heidegger by Carlo Saviani (Herder, 2004), Dialogues one inch from the soil of James W. Heisig (Herder, 2005), Towards a philosophy of Zen Buddhism by Toshihiko Izutsu (Trotta, 2009) and Shinto the way home to Thomas P. Kasulis (Trotta , 2012). She is an advisor of the collection Sagrats i Clàssics de Fragmenta