Born in 1928 in New York. Priest since 1953. BA in philosophy (Washington), doctor of theology (Baltimore), doctor in Semitic languages (Baltimore), Bachelor of Sacred Scripture (Rome). Doctor honoris causa for over thirty universities worldwide. Member of the Pontifical Biblical Commission. He was a member of the Commission "Faith and Constitution" of the Ecumenical Council of Churches. Its more than thirty books on biblical themes have earned a solid international reputation. He died in 1998.
Works: St. Jerome Bible Commentary, 1972; The community of the beloved disciple, 1996 (4th ed..); The Gospel according to John (2 vols.), 1979; Gospel and Epistles of John, 1979; The Church the apostles left us, 1986; Jesus, God and man, 1973; Mary in the New Testament (ed.), 2002 (4th ed..); The birth of the Messiah, 1982; The Death of the Messiah (2 vols.), 1994; Introduction to New Testament Christology, 2001.