René Crevel

René Crevel



Born on August 19, 1900 in Paris, Parisian parents, giving possession to certain Slav air. Lyceum, Sorbonne, Faculty of Law, Military Service until the end of 1923, hence the impression of not having lived in earnest more than a few months. It is not going neither to Tibet and Greenland, even to America, but the trips that did not take place on the surface to be treated in depth. So you can boast of knowing certain streets well, and their hotels, day and night.

Horror of all aestheticism, whether Oxford or long pants, remorse at the cinema sidelong their sets, black and jazz dances of bagpipes or mechanical pianos, etc, I would find to future novels characters so naked, so alive, like knives and forks contained be men and women in the stories told as a child, destined to remain unpublished.
He began research for his doctoral thesis in letters on the novelist Diderot, when Marcel Arland, Jacques Baron, Georges Limbour, Max Morise, Roger Vitrac, he founded a magazine, Aventure, which earned her the oblivion of the seventeenth century by the XX. That's when he meets Louis Aragon, André Breton, Paul Eluard, Philippe Soupault, Tristan Tzara, and one day, in front of a painting by Giorgio De Chirico, it has at last the vision of a new world. Abandon the old logical-realistic barn, to understand that it was too vague to be confined to a reasoning mediocrity, and that the true poets, he does not attracted or puns or images, but their power - most notably in Lautreamont and Rimbaud - liberating.

Participates in the early experiences of hypnotism, where André Breton takes material for his Surrealist Manifesto. Then you can observe itself that surrealism was less literary and more disinterested of all movements; and convinced that there is no possible for those who refuse to acknowledge the reality of dark forces, or is not amenable to underground voices, he decides to try to negotiate once and for all, at the risk of going through a Don Quixote, moral life one upstart, or a madman, both in his actions and in his writings, barriers that limit and do not hold the man.

His first novel, Detours (1924), a work, a portrait (comprehensive), was a preliminary where critics ride, and in particular Benjamin Cremieux, Edmond Jaloux, Albert Thibaudet, have recognized attitudes, dawdlings and features of the young man now . My Body and Me (1925), a novel whose hero loaded with all the adventures and where gestures, characters, are merely pretexts, is an interior landscape.


René Crevel