Sebastián Valenzuela Valdivia

Sebastián Valenzuela Valdivia

Researcher and Curator/publisher of contemporary art. His research, curatorships and editions of him mainly address studies of image reception through archives, mediated performance and curatorial practices. He has been benefited on eleven occasions with competitive funds from the State, of which I have carried out research projects and publishing publications. In 2010 he created Écfrasis, a project focused on the edition, publication, research and dissemination of Latin American art; one of its lines is aimed at reissues and rescues of publications between the 70s and 80s.

He is currently the director of ECFRASIS.COM; coordinator of the area of Thought and Editoriality of the Museum of Solidarity Salvador Allende And coordinator of the Community Heritage program of the Cultural Center of Spain in Santiago de Chile. He has worked in the Salvador Allende Solidarity Museum Archive (2019-2022), in the Ronald Kay Archive (2019-2021); in the ICAA project of the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston, USA (2019-2020) and in the CeDoc Artes Visuales in Chile (2014-2018).

He has also participated in various presentations, talks and seminars exposing his research on the archive and its relationship with the body, analyzing performative proposals through photographic, audiovisual and book support, and in turn, considering the body as a document. Some of his investigations correspond to: Corpusgraphesis; Investigations of language through the body of artists (2013), Neighborhood Collection: collaboration as production of work and assembly as an emacipative strategy (2014), The staging of the Archive, its different phenomena of reception and manipulation (2015) and Stagings of the body through video the book and photography in Carlos Leppe (2016-2017), Archive, body and performance in Marcela Serrano (2018-2020) and From the body to the archive. Photo, video and book performance in Chile [1973-1990] (2021-2022).