Del cuerpo al archivo

Foto, video y libro-performance en Chile (1973-1990)

Del cuerpo al archivo - Sebastián Valenzuela Valdivia - Ediciones Metales pesados
Publisher name: 
Ediciones Metales pesados
Year of publication: 

In an exercise to recover Chilean performative practices, Sebastián Valenzuela-Valdivia invites us to reconsider the curatorial and archival criteria to define new categories of analysis related to the experimentation of the body and the use of media such as photography, video and books- performance. Thus, From the body to the archive contributes to how to think about this experimentation within the framework of historicity and the communicative power around sexual dissidence, transvestism and identity, an issue that not only addresses institutional limitations and the complex political atmosphere between 1973 and 1990, but also to the conditions of its survival in exhibitions and documentary collections. Ultimately, this book is a contribution to reformulate the question of how performance practices have developed in Chile from its archives.


Book: Del cuerpo al archivo

ISBN: 9789566048800