The twenty-one poems from Paul Celan's Crystal of Breath cycle -included in this book in a new translation into Spanish by Arnau Pons- were published in a bibliophile edition in September 1965, accompanied by eight engravings by Gisèle Celan-Lestrange. It was that same autumn, marked by this artistic collaboration, that the couple decided to separate, at least temporarily. The serious conflicts that lived because of the psychic crises of the poet made a life in common very difficult. The truth is that in these poems Celan reaffirms his preference for a couple who will never fail him: his alter ego, whom he calls You.
To express his opposition to the materialist readings of Peter Szondi, Hans-Georg Gadamer wanted to comment on this cycle, poem by poem, in a little book that until now is an obligatory academic reference: Who am I and who are you? (Herder, 1999). Now we bring to th...read more