Arnau Pons is a poet, translator and essayist Catalan specialist Paul Celan. He has participated in international conferences on the poet's work in France, Italy, Germany, Argentina and Portugal.
France has recently published two essays on the relationship between Paul Celan and Ingeborg Bachmann in two collective volumes tribute to Jean Bollack: The philologie au présent (Septentrion, 2010) and The insistante lecture (Albin Michel, 2011).
His other noteworthy essays on Celan Celan, Freud Reader (Lleonard Muntaner, 2006) and Nissaga d'abolits (Lleonard Muntaner, 2010), along with their issues against poetry Poetry (Trotta, 2005) and Stone Heart (Arena 2001) by Jean Bollack, who has been the introducer in the Hispanic world.
He has also translated the Celan Studies Peter Szondi (Trotta, 2005) and is currently being translated into Catalan Celan's Collected Works, volume after volume appearing in an annotated edition. It has translated poets like Luiza Neto Jorge, Herbert Helder, Dino Campana, Velimir Khlebnikov and Yitsjoq Katznelson.
He has also written about French authors as Hélène Cixous, Maurice Blanchot, Jacques Dupin and Antonin Artaud.