Born in Freiberg ( Moravia) in a Jewish family. In 1860 he moved to Vienna, where Freud studies the career of Medicine ( 1873-1881 ) . In 1885-1886 visit the neurological clinic of Salpêtrière in Paris and attends to the treatment of hysterical women using hypnosis and suggestion . Professor of Neuropathology at the University of Vienna (1885-1902) , published with Josef Breuer Studies on Hysteria (1895 ) , which establishes the method of free association. In The Interpretation of Dreams ( 1900 ) made the first central concepts of psychoanalysis. From 1902 , with Professor Freud of Neuropathology , begin to " Wednesday evenings ," in which the findings of psychoanalysis are discussed to take place at home. In 1908 Salzburg celebrates the First International Congress of Psychoanalysis , and in 1910 the Zentralblatt für Psychoanalyse and the International Psychoanalytic Association is founded , whose first president was C. G. Jung. Between 1923 and 1930 , Freud introduced significant changes in psychoanalytic theory . Deb leave Vienna in 1938 and exiled to London where dies the following year .